APG Developed Markets Equity Minimum Volatility Pool


The purpose of the Pool is to provide access to a diversified portfolio of equity and equity-related products of companies established or otherwise predominantly active in developed markets for equity exposure and to provide a return that is similar to the benchmark.


The Pool tracks the benchmark by reducing the tracking error against the benchmark by taking into account an ESG policy (inclusion and carbon budget). The Pool will seek diversification by holding stocks in various industries and countries. In addition to internally managed strategies, the Pool may invest in strategies that are externally managed.

Fund Information

Asset class
Developed Markets Equity Minimum Volatility Pool
SFDR Classification

PAI Indicators

  1. 1
    GHG Emissions
  2. 2
    Carbon footprint
  3. 4
    Exposure to companies active in the fossil fuel sector
  1. 10
    Violations of UN Global Compact principles and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  2. 13
    Board gender diversity
  3. 14
    Exposure to controversial weap­ons (anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions, chemical weapons and biological weapons)