APG invests in UK-focused bioenergy fund

Published on: 14 June 2024

APG, on behalf of its pension fund client ABP, signed an initial capital commitment to BioticNRG. BioticNRG aggregates bioenergy infrastructure assets to build a bioenergy enterprise. With the investment, APG wants to contribute to the company’s ability to build value, create a sustainable bioenergy platform and deploy its decarbonisation credentials across hard to access sectors.


These sectors include transport, waste, energy and agriculture. The investment is done through external asset manager Palisade Real Assets, which announced several transactions supporting the growth of its UK-focused bioenergy fund, BioticNRG. Following the commitment of APG, Palisade signed the parallel acquisitions of AD Aggregator Platform Limited and Material Change Limited. These acquisitions build on the establishment of BioticNRG over the past two years and expand its existing footprint in the organics and bioenergy sector in the UK. 


Biogas and biomethane

APG’s senior portfolio manager infrastructure, Iulia Grosu: “Investing in biogas and biomethane offers a promising solution to mitigate climate change, reduce waste, and provide renewable energy solutions. We have been working with the Palisade Real Assets team to establish BioticNRG and ensure it fits ABP’s goals of investing in the energy transition, while securing attractive returns for its participants. Their subsequent acquisition of ADAP and MCL brings the expertise and commitment which will underpin our long-term vision for sustainability. We look forward to the further growth of the BioticNRG platform.”