Emerging Markets Equity Pool


The purpose of the APG Emerging Markets Equity Pool is to provide access to a diversified portfolio of the
equity and equity-related products of companies established or otherwise predominantly active in emerging
markets. It aims to offer beta exposure and to outperform the benchmark through active management.
The Pool's risk exposure is predominantly determined by stock-specific risk and country risk.

The Pool invests in a combination of investment strategies that capture the growth in emerging economies
and equity markets. The Pool seeks diversification through its investment philosophy and process
(i.e. fundamental versus quantitative, bottom-up versus top-down), investment horizon and style
(value, growth, quality). The Pool can be divided into the following skill-based strategies: Core Fundamental,
Core Quant, High Conviction, Focus Midcap and Focus China A. The Pool seeks to outperform the benchmark
by combining internally and externally managed strategies. The Pool endeavors to be beta and style
neutral for most risk factors with the main risk contribution coming from country, stock and sector
positioning. The Pool is actively managed against the benchmark.

SFDR classification and environmental and/or social (E/S) characteristics
The APG Emerging Markets Equity Pool is identified as an SFDR Art. 8 product (light green). The Pool
promotes environmental and/or Social characteristics but does not have sustainable investments as its
objective (SFDR Art. 9).

The Pool promotes the following environmental and/or social (E/S) characteristics:
• Exclusion policy
• Inclusion policy
• Carbon footprint reduction
• Sustainable Development Investments

This product actively seeks investments in the investable UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
An ambition has been set for this product to invest 7% of assets under management in Sustainable
Development Investments (SDIs) by 2025.

Fund Information

Asset class
APG Emerging Markets Equity Pool
SFDR Classification

PAI Indicators

  1. 1
    GHG Emissions
  2. 2
    Carbon footprint
  3. 4
    Exposure to companies active in the fossil fuel sector
  1. 13
    Board gender diversity
  2. 14
    Exposure to controversial weap­ons (anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions, chemical weapons and biological weapons)