APG Fixed Income Credits Pool


The purpose of the Pool is:


1)  To provide broad access to non-Treasury, fixed income asset classes, primarily in the U.S. and Europe.


2)  To maximize the return above the credit benchmark.


Bottom-up issue selection is combined with top-down risk management and sector allocation. Diversification of return and alpha sources is an essential element of the investment process. The Pool is actively managed relative to its benchmark.


The Pool should be seen as having moderate risk with a 3-5 year investment horizon. Investment decisions are based largely on in-house research and analyses.


The majority of the Pool is managed internally.

Fund Information

Asset class
Fixed Income
APG Fixed Income Credits Pool
SFDR Classification

PAI Indicators

  1. 2
    Carbon footprint
  1. 10
    Violations of UN Global Compact principles and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  2. 14
    Exposure to controversial weap­ons (anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions, chemical weapons and biological weapons)